347.    ---------------. [BRENNSTOFF-CHEMIE] [Status of Krupp Treibstoffwerk G.m.b.H. Operation.]  Wirtschaftsteil, vol. 31, 1950, p. 41.

                  It is known that at the end of last year permission had been withdrawn by the Allied High Commission from the Krupp Treibstoffwerk to produce hydrocarbons by the Fischer-Tropsch process.  Since that time permission has been granted to operate the Oxyl process, which has been developed by the Ruhrchemie A.-G.  According to this new process valuable products, designated higher alcohols, can be produced.  These products will be processed into a number of other products, which will not only be of considerable importance domestically but will also be valuable for export.  Among the products are mentioned solvents for the paint and dye industries and softeners for plastics and detergents.  It is the intention of both Krupp and Ruhrchemie A.-G. to work together in putting out these Oxyl products.  Ruhrchemie A.-G. will make the necessary catalysts in its own catalyst factory.