43.    ANDERSON, R. B., FRIEDEL, R. A., AND STORCH, H. H.  Fischer-Tropsch Reaction Mechanism Involving Stepwise Growth of Carbon Chain.  Jour. Chem. Phys., vol. 19, 1951, pp. 313-319.

               Expressions are derived that predict satisfactorily the observed isomer and carbon-number distribution of products from Fe and Co catalysts in the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis.  These expressions are based on 3 postulated schemes of stepwise addition of 1 C atom to the end or adjacent-to-end C atoms of the longest C chain:  (A) Addition may occur at only 1 end of the growing chain on only 1 end C atom if 2 are present or on the adjacent-to-end carbon; (B) it may occur at only 1 end of the growing chain on any end or adjacent-to-end carbon; (C) it may occur at either end of the growing chain on any end or adjacent-to-end carbon.  The implications of these schemes to some general aspects of the reaction mechanism are considered.

               ANDERSON, R. B., HALL, W. K., AND HOFER, L. J. E.  Studies of the Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis.  IV.  Properties of Reduced Cobalt Catalysts.  See abs. 47.