22.       ----------------. [ALDRICH, R. C.] Synthetic Lubricating-Oil Production in France.  Nat. Petrol. News, vol. 37, No. 45, 1945, pp. R859-R860; CIOS Rept. XVIII-5, 1945, 9 pp.; U. S. Naval Tech. Mission in Europe Rept. 80-45; TOM Reel 196; PB 365

                 Two processes are described:  The Standard Kuhlmann-Lestaque near Marseille and the Kuhlmann Co.-Harnes near Lille.  The first process used Fischer-Tropsch gas oil, benzol, and dichlorethane as raw materials.  The gas oil should be highly paraffinic and be produced by carrying out the CO:H2 synthesis at a ratio of 2:1 and holding down the temperature of the reaction to 190° to produce as few olefins and as many paraffins as possible.  The gas oil is first chlorinated, then mixed with the benzol-dichlorethane mixture in presence of AlCl3 reacted for about 6 hr. at 70°-110°, the benzol stripped out and the stripped oil settled and decanted and given a conventional refining treatment.  The products are roughly 20% recycle gas oil, 30% transformer oil, 30% turbine oil, and 20% steam-cylinder oil.  The viscosity index for the lubricating oils is about 100.  The second process treats the Fischer-Tropsch gasoline with 3% of AlCl3 for 5 hr. at room temperature, and the 2 layers are separated and treated for recovery of the oils.  The quality of the lubricating oils is not good; their oiliness is poor, and they oxidize readily.  Analyses are tabulated for the products of both processes.

                 ----------------.  See abs. 3038.